Is Nepal Safe for CoronaVirus?

11 Feb 2020 Prakash Devkota

Is Nepal Safe for CoronaVirus?

Epidemics are inevitable. The world has suffered from time and often. A sudden widespread outbreak of an infectious disease is called epidemics. Plague, Smallpox, Yellow fever, Flu, Dengue, Ebola Epidemics, Zika Virus, etc are some of the epidemic outbreaks that terror the world.  Most recently authorities have identified a Corona Virus outbreak in China that has now reached many countries. Reports say that the virus has now reached over two dozen countries around the world.

Is Nepal Safe for CoronaVirus

World Health Organization states that Corona Viruses are a family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).  Novel Corona Virus is an outbreak of respiratory illness caused by a novel (new) Corona Virus. It was first identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China.

Corona Viruses are a family of viruses known for containing strains that cause potentially deadly diseases in mammals and birds. CoronaVirus typically affects the respiratory tract of mammals including humans. The viruses are associated with the common cold, pneumonia and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. In humans, they are typically spread via airborne droplets or fluid produced by infected individuals. 

Is Nepal Safe from CoronaVirus?

Obviously, the answer is yes. Though there have been rumours about the outbreak of CoronaVirus in Nepal, they have nothing to do with it. Nepal has already started to be alert about the deadly disease. So, you must not worry about it. 

According to the Health Ministry of Nepal, ambulances are on standby at Tribhuvan International Airport. Nepal government has also set up screening centres for the coronavirus at the airport and at the border control point. One of the officials of the ministry said, “If any suspect is noticed, he/she will be immediately transferred to the hospital.” Besides, he said that surveillance has been increased at the airport and suspicious patients entering Nepal are being monitored. 

Health Ministry of Nepal says that A 32-year-old man, arriving from Wuhan, was tested positive for the deadly disease. He was then discharged after recovery.  Therefore, there is nothing to worry about. However, with the growing number of Chinese tourists visiting Nepal, it’s the time to put all our efforts on preparations for Corona Viruses. 

    Nepal has recently launched the VISIT NEPAL 2020 campaign. There are already many challenges to make this campaign successful. Yet the rumours of Corona Outbreak in Nepal will definitely hit the campaign directly. Therefore, we have to take the matter seriously. The outbreak of the epidemic in China has begun to alarm the Tourism Industry of Nepal. In such a scenario, the Government of Nepal has to do every possible attempt to make her safe against Corona. In fact, Nepal has already learnt significantly from past weaknesses.

    Nepal Guide Treks and Expeditions, being a responsible trekking company, take the responsibility to let you know about the places you visit safe for coronavirus in Nepal. We are always worried about the safety of our clients. Therefore, we keep on informing them about the risks and advise them to plan accordingly. 

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    What is Corona Virus? and How to be Safe?

    History of Corona Virus

    The Corona Virus was first isolated in 1937 from an infectious bronchitis virus in Birds that have the ability to seriously devastate poultry stocks. These viruses are 15 to 30 per cent common in Birds.  Over the last 30 years, a scientist has found that the Corona Virus can infect mice, dogs, cats, horses, pig, cattle and other species of animals and humans. 

    Human Corona Viruses (HCoV) was first identified in the 1960s in the noses of the patients with the common cold. The report said that the Corona Virus came from a seafood market in Wuhan where wildlife is also traded illegally. The WHO also says that the prime source of the outbreak is most likely an animal source. According to the Chinese scientists, snakes-including the Chinese Krait and the Cobra might be the source of the newly discovered virus.

    When can the Corona Virus spread?

    Novel Corona Virus transforms from one infectious person to another healthy person just like seasonal flu. The director of Health Emergency Department of WHO, Dr Michael Rayan, it transmits from the persons having a respiratory illness or from the droplets released from the mouth during the speaking. Novel Corona Virus can spread through: 

    • Coughing and sneezing without covering the mouth will release the droplets into the air and spread the virus.
    • Touching and shaking hands with a person who has the virus will pass the virus to the next.
    • Making any contact with the surface or object that has a virus and touching your nose, eyes or mouth.
    • On rare occasions, Corona Virus may spread through faeces.

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    Little Known facts of Novel Corona Virus

    • Corona Virus causes both SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) and MERS
    • There are six known human Corona Viruses.
    • SARS spread from China to cause infection in 37 countries, killing 774 people.
    • There is no cure for the common cold.
    • Corona Viruses infect many different species.
    • There have been no specific medicines or vaccines for this deadly disease until now.
    • Antibiotic doesn’t work. It works for bacteria, not for the viruses.
    Symptoms of CoronaVirus
    Symptoms of CoronaVirus

    What are the symptoms of Corona Virus?

    Cold or Flu-like symptoms usually set in from two or four days after the coronavirus infections and they are typically mild. However, the symptoms vary from person to person and some of the forms of the viruses can be fatal. Some of the common symptoms of Corona Virus are as follows:

    • Fever usually above 38ºC and higher.
    • Difficulty in Breathing
    • A Cough
    • Sneezing
    • A Runny Nose
    • Fatigue
    • A Sore Throat
    • Exacerbated Asthma

    How to protect yourself from Novel Corona Virus Infection?

    There have been no solid vaccines or medicines of the virus to date. One of the most reliable strategies to prevent the epidemic is to avoid contact with an infected person.  “Unless the proper management of the infected one done, the endless cycle of infection will be formed”, says Dr Ramesh Chokhani, Senior Respiratory illness Specialist.

    He says that the people who have returned from China or those who are in contact with the victim should be kept in quarantine at least for two weeks. Suspected one should be kept in isolation and treated carefully. He also says that it is wise to prevent it unless the invention of effective medication of the virus. Here are some of the ways to prevent it: 

    • Clean hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub
    • Cover nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with a tissue or flexed elbow.
    • Avoid close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms.
    • Avoid close contact with those who show signs of the flu.
    • Avoid unprotected contact with live wild or farm animals.
    • Thoroughly cook meat and eggs. 

    Preventive Measures from Corona Virus

    Ways for Prevention: Corona Virus Treatment

    • Rest and avoid overexertion.
    • Drink enough water.
    • Avoid smoking and smoky areas.
    • Take acetaminophen, ibuprofen or naproxen to reduce pain and fever.
    • Use a clean humidifier or cool mist vaporizer.

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      Prakash Devkota

      Managing Director and Team Leader

      Mr. Prakash Chandra Devkota is an established name in the Tourism Sector in Nepal. He is a focused individual gifted with a brilliant mind. He is also hugely dedicated to social work. Born in the Gorkha district, a beautiful hilly region of Nepal, he first entered the tourism industry as a guide in 1997. He has gained extensive experience in almost all the trekking and climbing routes like Mera, Island, Lobuche and, Ama Dablam, etc.

      He registered Nepal Guides Treks & Expedition in 2009 AD. Due to his passion for adventure and efforts to provide quality personalized service to his clients, he has established himself as a successful tourism entrepreneur. He has dedicated most of his time working diligently to elevate the tourism industry and collected more than 15 years of experience in organizing trekking and expeditions in Nepal, Bhutan, and India. He believes in the power of the tourism industry and the employment opportunities that can be created through it. He constantly looks for innovative ways to run the company.

      Mr. Devkota has always been an avid practitioner of eco-friendly tourism and has always promoted environmental conservation throughout his career. He motivates his staff to embrace eco-friendly tourism through responsible tourism practices. He believes promoting eco-tourism will preserve natural resources and positively impact the environment.
